Letter for Mom

Dear Mom,
11.158 km is the distance between me and you. But I know that your love is with me everywhere I go. Happy birthday! (29th of May 2017) The last time I met you in person was last January 2017 and you were still as beautiful as you were.

And I? I am the almost-28-years-old girl still trying to figure out the world. I remembered the year 2013, when I decided to take a big step. Which means leaving my family, leaving my job, leaving my career and friends. But you believed in me. Especially when NOBODY else did. You have always encouraged me to do what I want to do, to go for my dreams rather than expect them and never let me makes excuses.

Thank you for teaching me to never rely on anyone, making me independent, pushing me to be financially and mentally stable on my own. It makes me the best version of myself.
Thank you for the time picking up the pieces, my pieces. Hugged me and held me while I cried. You have been my best cure and listener through my goodbyes, breakups, hard decisions, and new chapters. You are my lucky strike!

Mom, it must be hard raising the twins and my brother by yourself. You made so many sacrifices over the years. You taught us to be humble and treat other people with respect. You are the most kind, hardest working, and passionate person that I have ever known. Being an incredible mom will be inspirational for me.

Thank you for always put your family first no matter how hard it is. I always admire how you care for dad until the very end. I don’t even know how could you stay strong in those agonizing years. I still remember the days you picked me up from school, returned to the hospital accompanying me, my sister and brothers doing our homework while holding dad’s hands on the hospital bed as he fell asleep at night till the last day of his life. You taught me to love unconditionally. Thank you for being my role model so I know how to love my own life partner. I thank Jesus for you every day.

Mom, no words can describe how lucky I am having you as my mom. I hope one day I can make you proud of me. I hope I can be the lady of your heart. Thank you for absolutely everything. Once again, happy birthday my hero!

With love,

Your stubborn daughter

Photo taken at my last journey to Indonesia when I was flying back home in January 2017


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