Cheaper Than Therapy

Today is still summer in Berlin. Usually if I hear the word "summer", I always associate it with "friends, fun and food". But not this morning. Sadly, I got too many bad news in a day today, four bad news in one hour, felt like being strike by the lighting thunder. In summer? Sadly, yes.

This sad thought lingered in my head until bae asked me out to accompany him go shopping and watching Transformers : The Last Knight movie in cinema. As you might know that my german is not perfect, I want to improve it so we decided to watch the movie in german. He chose to go to alexanderplatz area, where the two of us could first go shopping and directly go to the cinema on time with no rush.

Seeking fresh air outside, I watched two kids with ice creams on their hands. Five minutes later, we've been standing in front of an ice cream stall in Alexa shopping center, Giovanni L, choosing the ice cream we wanted. I thought I've had a pretty bad day today, so I am going to choose something safe. So I went for one scoop of black vanilla, and he ordered eierpunsch ice cream (which I didn't have any clue about) and pistachio ice cream. Off the stall, we found a sit somewhere near and enjoyed our ice creams.

Black Vanilla Ice Cream (left) and Eggnog Ice Cream + Pistachio Ice Cream

I dipped my tounge in my black ice cream and was stunned. It's delicious, yet misterious. The silky texture of ice cream with bourbon vanilla flavour and the flaky crunch of rice milk. How is this ice cream so good? "Try my ice creams", bae said charmly. The yellow eierpunsch started with milk base, smoothly flavored with eggnog flavor. It was a bit watery in texture but the sweetness was perfect. I tried the second ice cream of his. I just like it! A rich, smooth and creamy textured ice cream with slathering flavour of pistachio.

I wondered, how did this simple ice cream changed my mood in a good way? No explanation, however after all I think everyone would be agree if I say that ice cream is cheaper than therapy. 😉


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